Sunday, August 30, 2009

Madison's 1st Birthday Party

We celebrated Maddie's 1st birthday party with close friends and family at our house. We are so very blessed to have such great family and special friends who came out to help us celebrate.

Toljabee Ceremony

We did the traditional Toljabee table ceremony which is a Korean custom. You put a book (scholar), ruler (good with hands), money (wealth), spool of thread (long life) and rice (wealthy but spouse will make the money) on a table. The first 2 things they grab will predict their future.

Mike showed Madison all the items and of course she went directly for the rice. Mike acted like we didn't start yet so again she grabbed the rice the second time around. Then, she immediately went for the book.

The Cake

Madison wasn't too interested in eating her cake. She had a couple nibbles and that was it. I think I ended up being a bigger mess then Maddie. I didn't want the cake go to waste so I fed all the kids like they were my baby birds. I was handing out handfuls of cake to all the kids. I'm sure their parents loved me!

Presents Galore

Maddie received some great birthday gifts. She got clothes, books, money, gift cards, savings bonds, toys and money for her education (know we are going to need that since she is going to be a scholar).

One of her favorite gifts was her giant playland with tunnels and balls to play with from her Magee and Papa. She also loved her maracas from the Orsini's and was instantly attracted to a shiney silver rattle and rings Mike and I got her. We are also so thankful for the great start on her savings for college that Grandma and Grandpa Boyum have started!

Thanks Again!

Thanks for everyone coming out to celebrate Princess Maddie's 1st birthday! We had a ton of fun as we hope you all did as well! Plus, what is a birthday party without flip cup!?! I'll reserve those pictures for a later post ;)