Sunday, December 6, 2009

Black Friday

I can remember going shopping with my mom the morning of Black Friday for several years. Waking up at 4am to hit all the stores for the "freebies". This year was a brand new experience for us!

We (or just myself) decided it would be a great idea to hit Toys R Us at midnight. They had so many great deals. I looked at the ad for weeks making my shopping list of everything I just had to get.

As my Mom, sister and myself traveled up to Kalamazoo (an hour away) we thought out loud that maybe we should have brought 2 vehicles since we had so much stuff on our lists to get. How quickly that thought faded as we pulled into the parking lot and saw the LONG line to get into the store. After all the years of experience, we honestly thought we were just going to walk in...what were we thinking???

This line was so long it took us an hour to get into the store after the doors opened! (So, it is now 1 in the morning)

Remember, we thought that we were just going to walk right in so we didn't bring any jackets or umbrellas to shield us from the rain or wind that night. I think this explains why I have had a Sinus Infection for 3 weeks now!

I'm still not sure how we stayed motivated to stay in this line for an hour as we slowly got closer to the entrance. There was no way that anything was going to be left. Did we just travel an hour to get to the store and stand in line for another hour in the freezing cold to walk in to nothing left on the shelves? However, we devised a plan that we were all going to go in separate directions to find anything that was on my list.

Once we found a couple of the bigger items my mom stood in the front of the store so we didn't have to haul them around everywhere as my sister was trying to find the end of the line. Who knew this would be the hardest part of the night. This line wrapped around the whole store up and down every aisle! I just kept shopping as my soldiers were stationed at their posts. I ended up finding the Store Manager and Receiving Guy who went in the back room to find EVERYTHING that was on my list. I was shocked! Plus, we were able to add so much more to my pile as we stood in line for over an hour just to check out. (The time after check-out was 3 in the morning)

I would love to share with you everything I got and all the great deals but I would hate to spoil anyone's Christmas surprise from the Boyums! So I'll give you a sneak peak....

We were absolutely exhausted and to now have to drive an hour back home. I'm not sure we'll ever do this again but we sure have some great memories and stories to share! (Arrival back home....4 in the morning!)

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